Mary’s Song in Caesar’s World
History does not have much kind to say about the Caesars who ruled from Rome. The emperors were unscrupulous in their quest to maintain power. They could spend lavishly to gain the favor of the masses and then turn around and rob through taxation, extortion or murderous plunder of faithful subjects. The powerful did as they pleased and the rest of the world paid for it in every sense. Those who lived in close proximity to Caesar were frequently reminded that it was at his pleasure they were allowed to stay alive. Caligula often remind his wife, or other women he was intimate with, that they had beautiful necks, but he could have those pretty throats slit at any moment. Those who displeased Caesar, with significant reasons or not, were often tortured or killed. This was true for rivals, but also true for ‘friends’. Living far away did not save you from the long shadow of Rome. Joseph, Mary and the baby...